Favorite Things | March

It's said that "April showers bring May flowers." I'm praying this year is no different! Enough snow.  Enough freezing wind. I'm done with needing both rain jackets AND down coats, plus snow brushes, gloves, wellies/puddle jumpers/rain boots. It's too much! Upstate New York is longing for greenery; a bud, a blossom, any sign that spring is truly here! I've been biding my time in greenhouses and floral shops, drawn to the bright colors. I pick up small succulents and potted plants like they're candy bars at the checkout aisle! Those, in addition to a great playlist and audiobooks on the drive, help make the days pass a little more brightly. Here are a few more favorites if you're also stuck in the doldrums. 

Favorite Things | January

I read a book about happiness... creating it, identifying it, spreading it. The author suggested journaling about the things that make you happy a few times a week, as the act of writing it down makes it a real and solid thing, not just a fleeting feeling.  I loved the reasoning behind that.  So, here are the things that have brought me joy over the last month; and maybe by sharing them,  it will bring others a bit more joy as well. 

Whole 30 Resource & Recipe List

Want to start a Whole 30 meal plan but feel a bit overwhelmed on how to begin? Grab a pen and your grocery list... here is what you'll need to get going (plus a couple of our favorite recipes that helped us survive without sacrificing).

Our First Beach Vacation: One Week on Fenwick Island

It’s never too early to start planning your family vacation. In fact, it’s especially encouraged during those cold, grey months of winter when we are desperately awaiting the arrival of spring and still remembering the warm days of last summer.  Consider Fenwick Island for your next beach vacation! This east coast ocean town has a little bit of everything; guaranteed to please everyone in the family. 

Making a Pinewood Derby Car

So, your Cub Scout comes home with a little block of wood and some plastic wheels after his den meeting and says you need to help him make a car for the race. If you’re wondering where to begin, you are no different than we were five years ago. You’re in luck! Here’s a step by step guide to making a great race contender with your Scout this season, and have fun doing it!